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Gifting Life-Saving KIts to Law Enforcement Officers

While hospitals and ambulances have plenty of tools to help restore the health of patients, medical emergencies don't often happen in the safest of places. Sometimes, urgent assistance is left up to others, such as police officers. In this case, civilians can help by providing their local law enforcement personnel with portable trauma kits. To learn more about the contents of these packages and how they can save lives, take advantage of the following guide.

What Are Trauma Kits?

There are many types of trauma kits on the market, but most focus on stopping or controlling bleeding until paramedics arrive or the injured individual can be taken to a hospital. They often include a pair of gloves for the law enforcement personnel, gauze and pressure bandages, tactical tourniquets, and emergency mylar blankets.  Some even include chest seals, which can quickly address torso wounds in mass casualty events. You’ll also find an instruction card and a pair of trauma shears to cut clothing away, if needed. These items are efficiently packed in a zippered pouch for easy access. These kits are also available in vacuum sealed and zip lock pouches, which makes them more affordable, if you are purchasing multiple kits.

How Can They Help?


Many times, officers are the first individuals who arrive at the site of an emergency. Once they arrive, they take stock of any injuries and call in help from paramedics and other professionals if necessary. However, for victims of knife or bullet wounds, those few minutes of wait time may mean the difference between a quick recovery and a life-threatening injury. 

That’s why trauma kits are a life-saving solution. If you can purchase and gift these kits to your local law enforcement personnel, they’ll have all the tools at their disposal to stop the bleeding immediately. They can carry the pouches with them or run back to their cars to grab the tools. With mass shootings becoming more and more of a problem in recent years, it’s always a smart investment to give first responders the resources they need to save lives.


If you’re interested in gifting trauma kits to your local law enforcement teams, turn to Think Trauma Kits. This nationwide supplier offers a wide range of kits online, such as the TACMED® Bleeding Control Kit with Chest Seal (SOF-T) and the NAR Ankle Trauma Kit (CAT). Send us an email if you have any questions or would like to customize a kit for your favorite LEO.