The TacMed™ Basic Burn Kit
The Basic Burn Kit features the innovative WATER-JEL burn dressing, which is to be put on the burn immediately. This dressing will stop the burning process preventing further damage, cool the burned area, relieve pain, and help prevent infection. Also included are 3 packs of Burn Jel, for pain relief of minor burns.
Kit contains:
- 1x Waterjel Burn Dressing (4" x 4")
- 1x Waterjel Burn Dressing (4" x 16")
- 3x Water-Jel Burn Jel packets for pain relief of mnor burns (3.5 gm each)
- 1x Cohesive Conforming Bandage (3" x 4.5 yards)
- 1x Trauma Shears 7.25"
- 4PR Blackmaxx Gloves (size Large)
Fully stocked kits available here!
More on treating serious burns.

NOTE: You can use these products immediately on all burns, but they may need further medical care. If someone has a burn on his or her body exceeding the size of the palm of his or her own hand, where blisters are present, burns to genitalia, face or to any flexion point, this person should seek medical attention. All electrical burns require medical attention.