Today’s modern medical kits, like the Mobilized Rescue Systems, uses innovative technology that makes it easier for citizens to help save lives. Each kit includes the Mobilized Rescue app that buyers are encouraged to download and utilize during emergency situations. Stanford University is among the higher learning institutions offering kit accessibility throughout their campus, and students are giving the app access at orientation, so they are all rescue ready. Learn more about the potentially life-saving app here.
What Should I Know About the Mobilized Rescue System App?
What It Does

The medical kit app provides “just in time” training that allows untrained civilians to manage trauma situations more effectively until emergency services arrive. It gives instructions regarding seizures, cardiac arrest, severe bleeding, chest trauma, overdoses, trapped limbs, choking, burns, hypothermia, allergic reactions, and many other medical emergencies.
The app, which is available on any smartphone, provides clear instructions and “more info” buttons that offer additional clarification. It also creates a real-time record of medical care provided by the citizen for EMT reference. The larger kits, have a built-in tablet that opens the app, in which case, the phone app is not needed.
How It Works In Conjunction With the Medical Kit
All supplies in the trauma kit feature numbers and color codes that match with the app. The user can find the item they need from the medical kit and follow the app’s instructions to provide emergency care. Most of the app’s interactive prompts feature ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions that guide the citizen as they assist the compromised individual.

No training is necessary to use the app and provide medical care with supplies from the kit. Each trauma kit includes a comprehensive range of first aid supplies, such as PPE, tourniquets, bleeding control dressings, cold compresses, cpr masks, eyewash, chest seals, splints, among many other items.
The kits and app make college campuses and workplaces safer. They also allow drivers to upgrade the first aid kits usually kept in the trunks of cars.
Purchase medical kits that include the Mobile Rescue app from Think Trauma Kits. The company ships trauma kits to clients throughout the country, as well as other emergency products such as defibrillators. Drop us an email if you'd like more information about these or any of our kits.