10% Discount code: SAVELIVES
Intuitive and easy-to-use tools proven to help save lives such as the fast and effective C-A-T® tourniquet, quality gauze, shears, and pressure dressings. Also Included are step-by-step illustrated pictorial instructions, so even untrained providers can help save a life.
- 1 |Red Zipped Nylon bag with bleeding control patch
2 | C-A-T® Tourniquets, Orange
2 | Compressed Gauze 4.5 in. x 4.1 yd Sterile, 6-ply 100% cotton gauze
1 | QuikClot® Hemostatic Bleeding Control rolled Gauze- 3” x 4 ft.
- 2 | 4 in. flat Emergency Trauma Dressing- To wrap packed wound.
- 2 | Pair Nitrile Gloves, Lg
- 1 | Black Permanent Marker to mark tourniquet
- 1 | trauma shears 6.25’
- 1 | Instruction Card
- Measures 10” x 9” x 3” and designed to fit next to AED in a cabinet.
Twin pack kit SKU 85-2973 Retail Price $126.00 less 10% (Code: SAVELIVES) = 113.40